
I am one of three OB/GYN who care for patients in Centre and North Wellington. I am based in Fergus and travel weekly to Palmerston and Mount Forest. Please click on the appropriate question below that relates to you. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the Fergus office.

Are You…

  • The first place to take your medical concerns is your primary care provider (family doctor, nurse practitioner, or midwife). If they can not address the concern then they can fax a letter to me requesting that I see you. The fax number is (519) 787-7421. My office will let you know when your appointment is.

    If you don’t feel comfortable discussing your concerns with your primary care provider you should still ask for a referral. Just let your primary care provider know you wish to see me and that you don’t feel comfortable discussing why.

    If you don’t have a primary care provider, you can contact my office directly and request an appointment. You can also do that if it is not possible to get a referral. The phone number is (519) 787-7418 or click here to book online.

    If you are younger than 20 years old, you don’t need a referral to see me. This policy is an attempt to make my office adolescent friendly. You can discuss anything with me and when you call you don’t have to tell the office why you want to see me. Just call (519) 787-7418 or click here.

  • If your concerns are the same as when you saw me last you can book a follow-up appointment in Fergus, Palmerston, or Mount Forest. Call the office at (519) 787-7418 or click here.

    If you have a new concern you should see your primary care provider. They may send you to see me again.

  • See above for booking appt.

    You should know that I practice obstetrics as part of a group. The group consists of myself and another OB/GYN, and several family doctors who deliver babies. We take turns being on call to deliver babies. So even if I take care of you through pregnancy I may not be the doctor who delivers your baby.